I don't have much information on this one yet, because I haven't gotten it yet. But here's the track listing for you.
KBD 1 | KBD 2 | KBD 3 | KBD 4 | KBD 5 | KBD 6 | KBD 7 | KBD 8.5 | KBD 9 | KBD 10 | KBD 11 | KBD 12 | KBD 13 | KBD 14 | KBD 15.5 | KBD 16 | KBD 17 | KBD 18 | KBD 19 | KBD 20 | KBD 22 | KBD 24 | KBD 26 | KBD 40 | KBD 41 | KBD 69 | KBD 77 | KBD 100 | KBD 200 | KBD 201 | KBD 202 | KBD 666 | KBD DIY Vol. 1 | KBD FU2 | Killed By Epitaph | Killed By Florida
Side One
Helen Keller-Surfin With Steve and ED amin Blackholes-Captain Payday Chronics-Test Tube Baby Ambulance-It's All Up to You Schematix-Second Story Realtors-Guilt By Association Gang Green & the Amputators-I Hate You Ivan & theExecutioners-I Wanna Kill James Taylor Fensics-Full Time Job |
Side Two
Now-I'm Eating off the Fashion Plate Dogs-Rot and Roll Accelerators-All Right Men In Black-Gypsy Lid Vectors-I Hate Myself Macs-Cowboy Song Chain Gang-Born In Brazil Arthur's Delimma-Up to You Saucers-What We Do |